
Friday, April 22, 2011

FFWD - Mustard and the United Nations of Bâtons

'Allo, 'allo, what 'ave we 'ere? That's a whole lot of puff pastry bâtons for this week's French Fridays with Dorie's recipe cook-along. Actually, the recipe in the book called for just Mustard Bâtons, but then Dorie's bonne idée section led me astray. As in, waaay astray... My imagination got the better of me and everyone in the house ended up feasting on a bâton buffet.

Now, Dorie herself admits that she uses storebought puff pastry every time she makes these. I, on the other hand, have a bucket list of to dos that includes free-falling from the sky, swimming in the ocean with sharks and hmm, making puff pastry. The other two are doable, done even, but making my own puff pastry from scratch.... I had never been too sure if I could pull it off. It may have something to do with all the butter, the rubix-cube folds and the waiting time involved - I would simply go mad!

But I went ahead and did it, anyway. In the least painful way possible. As luck would have it, I found this link on how to make the 'quickest puff pastry' that took me all of 5 minutes to put together and roll (but still needed to chill it in the fridge for an hour before using). That sounded more like it. Lo-and-behold... I managed to produce these really cute, gnome-like bâtons below. It was my test run with puff pastry-making, and while it did rise and produce the layers, it hadn't risen as much as I had hoped. A quick text message to Diva D to "please pick up some puff pastry on your way home, mwaah!" later, and I was ready to play.

My 'junior' bâtons out of homemade puff pastry....more flaky than puffy.

I started off with the mustard bâtons recipe but soon graduated to making other savory combinations and finally, ventured into sweet bâtons. The recipe for mustard bâtons here isn't so much a recipe as it is a set of instructions. I am not at liberty to share it with you but you can find it in the book, Around My French Table or I found an official link here.

My United Nations of Bâtons

Alors, here are my versions! (Click on images to enlarge)

Mustard with Lavender Salt Bâtons
2 T mustard
1 T sea salt
1/4 t lavender flowers (dried)
Sprinkles: Nigella seeds (or blackseeds)
How to: Chop or blend the sea salt and lavender together until fine, stir into the mustard and spread. Brush eggwash on pastry and sprinkle Nigella seeds on top before baking.

Mustard with Shallot Bâtons
2 T mustard
1 T red shallots, chopped finely
Sprinkles: Shredded Nori (seaweed)
How to: Stir chopped shallots into the mustard, and spread. Take a small sheet of Nori and shred or cut into tiny ribbons with scissors. Brush eggwash on pastry and sprinkle Nori on top before baking.

Basil Pesto with Pumpkin Seeds Bâtons
Sprinkles: Pumpkin seeds
How to: Follow the pesto recipe in Dorie’s book (pg. 488) but substitute pumpkin seeds for the pine nuts. Brush eggwash on pastry and sprinkle more pumpkin seeds on top before baking.

Chilli and Garlic Bâtons
3 large, red chillies
3 cloves garlic
1 T sugar
1 T extra virgin olive oil
2 T grated cheddar cheese
Salt and pepper, to taste
Sprinkles: Cumin seeds
How to: Grind chillies, garlic and sugar together, then drizzle in the olive oil. Add cheddar cheese and blend until well distributed. Season with salt and pepper, then spread on pastry. Brush eggwash on pastry and sprinkle cumin on top before baking.

Hah! I forgot to take a picture of the sesame batons so here's the actual sesame spread (middle)...

Sesame Bâtons
4 T sesame powder or seeds
1 T chopped ginger
1 T olive oil
1 T black soy sauce
Sprinkles: Sesame seeds
How to: Grind sesame and ginger, then drizzle in the olive oil and soya sauce. Blend for a few more seconds, then spread on pastry. Brush eggwash on pastry and sprinkle sesame seeds on top before baking.


Nutella with Chilli Bâtons
2 T Nutella
1/4 t chilli or paprika powder
Sprinkles: Chilli powder
How to: Really? Is there a need? :-)

Nutella with Macadamia Bâtons
2 T Nutella
2 T macadamia nuts, chopped finely
Sprinkles: Chopped macadamia nuts

Banana and Palm Sugar Bâtons
1 ripe banana, mashed
2 T grated palm sugar
Sprinkles: Shredded coconut ribbons
How to: Spread the mashed banana onto the pastry and sprinkle palm sugar all over it. Brush eggwash on pastry and sprinkle coconut ribbons on top before baking.

Dragonfruit and Lemon Bâtons
2 T dragonfruit flesh, mashed
1 T lemon zest
Sprinkles: Cinnamon sugar
How to: Spread the mashed dragonfruit onto the pastry and sprinkle lemon zest all over it. Brush eggwash on pastry and sprinkle cinnamon sugar on top before baking.

Phew, that was a long one! I'm passing the baton on to you now. Check out what the other Doristas over at French Fridays with Dorie have under (or inside) their bâtons!


  1. looks good lovely to snack i like the chillie garlic combination

  2. Hi Akeela, yes that's my most favorite flavor too... Chilli, garlic and cheese, it's a dream spread!

  3. WOW!! I wish I'd been at your house for that baton buffet! They all look fantastic! And good for you making your own puff pastry. It's something that's intimidated me for years but I think I need to try it now!

  4. I would be all over these..I can't wait to try..
    Beautiful photos and great tutorial! Nicely done Maya!

  5. Wow! Love all the combo ideas!!

  6. Thanks Amanda, Sandra and Renee. The puff pastry was a great canvas for the different types of spread, I made several more flavors but didn't manage to photograph them...there were so many ingredients on the table, I think I got a bit lost as to what went with what!

  7. WOW! I'm impressed. Good for you to make your puff pastry dough and even better for all the ways you made your beautiful batons!!! Great cooking.

  8. Wow, indeed! Your baton varieties look amazing and your homemade puff pastry is an awesome accomplishment. Good job! :)

  9. Wow, I am impressed with all of your different batons. And the fact that you made your own pastry. Fantastic job!

  10. Wow I cannot believe how amazing your own puff pastry looks. I have tried 2x in my life and failed. And the flavors are amazing.

  11. You went all out! What fabulous flavors and toppings!! Thank goodness I had a smidgen of homemade puff pastry left in the freezer, but I applaud you for making your own!!!

  12. What incredible flavor combinations. The sweet versions are so enticing!

  13. Oh gosh, I never thought making puff pastry at home would draw such lovely comments... I really should do it more often. LOL. To be honest, the amount of butter, because I could SEE just how much it was, scared me a little. Ok, it scared me a lot!

  14. Wow. That is incredible.
    I still have not been able to work up the courage to make puff pastry at home. But I am getting closer... Hats off to you for diving in.

  15. I can't believe you made your own puff pastry! Well done. I stuck to the recipe this time as I often do the first time making a new dish but I saw endless flavour possibilities and now I see that I was right. These will be making an appearance again very soon at my house under a different flavour profile!

  16. Wow! You totally got into these; I looove all the flavor combos you did. And I'm super-impressed with the at-home puff pastry. Brava! Great FFwD!

  17. Your variations look great! I especially like the sweet coconut ones!

  18. I love the idea of doing these as a sweet snack. You can never go wrong with Nutella. I also love the Baton Buffet; who wouldn't want to be invited to that party?!

  19. And to think I was afraid I would be bored reading baton after baton post. I shouldn't have worried given that you're doing FFwD now!!! And of course mad props for making your own puff. I have done it once in class and let's just say the results were less than stellar. My dear, allow me to speak Dorista sacrilege: I like your versions much better than Dorie's. It's true. These are so creative and colorful and fun. (like you!)

  20. I feel like I've arrived at Santa's Workshop for batons;-) Such an impressive array of fillings and sprinkles for the tops. Oh and don't forget a delicious looking homemade puff pastry, great job;-) I will bookmark your post for ideas for my next attempt at batons;-)

  21. Wow, you went over the top on the baton project! They all look and sound great!

    Nick Malgieri refined his quick puff pastry recipe. Here's a link to the lastes version: It's really easy and works like a charm.

  22. All those different flavors, too fun! I liked the pepita topped one. And the nutella one made me think that a baklava version would be fun to try.

  23. So impressive! Loved the creative spirit and your photos are beautiful. Great light.

  24. You are the evil genius of batons! Love both your united nations AND that you actually made your own puff. You rock sista!

  25. Wow, you are my new hero. I love this post because I am usually not very imaginative when it comes to appetizers and you just gave me tons of ideas and options. Thank you for sharing.

    Angie @ Cocina Diary

  26. I am so amazed every time I visit of the few blogs that I actually sit n scroll back n forth several times marveling at the sight of your dish n its presentation!!

    US Masala

  27. Chili and garlic! Of course! I have to run out and get more pastry now!

  28. The local bakeries make these same batons and I'm addicted to them. I love all of your flavor combinations. Being in a savory mood I'd want to try the mustard ones, then work my way through all :) I won't join you in the skydiving and shark swimming. But I will in the puff pastry, I've never made it nor have ever cooked with Lavender. I'm sheltered I know, hehe :)

  29. Mardi, I think most of us will be making these was such a delicious experience! Next time round, I'll just stick to one or two flavors, though, not a table-full...haha.

  30. Trix, on behalf of the other Doristas..., "Gasp"! (in my case, with delight). You are BRAVE, my friend!

  31. Patty, I just wish the Elves were here the day I made these. I could do with a little help cleaning up! And they could've taken home some of the gnome batons too..LOL.

  32. Gaaarp, thanks for the updated recipe link. Really appreciate it, though I doubt if I'll be making puff pastry again so soon - all that butter needs to be worked off first!

  33. Hi There, This is looking absolutely delightful. Very nicely made and presented. Saving this recipe of urs and wud love to give ur version a try on the coming weekend. Have a great day !!!

  34. Nancy@Spicie Foodie, haha, what do you mean you won't sky- or scuba-dive with me? And never cooked with lavender? We must do something about that! I'll send you over my aromatic stash right away!

  35. Sonia, I hope you do give these a try and like them. The chilli and garlic batons are especially scrumptious!

  36. Foodiva, you have outdone yourself. I just love all your variations and can't wait to make more. I'm impressed that you had time to not only come up with all of these variations, but to make your own puff pastry. Amazing!

  37. Wow- I almost feel guilty that I didn't try more options around here :) Seriously, I greatly enjoyed reading about the amazing options you came up with as well as enjoying your beautiful photos. Nana was a bit more adventurous than I was with fillings but overall we both adored this recipe and will be revisiting it again in the future. Many times. And now with Nutella.....

  38. I think the next time I make these, I'll visit your post for inspiration! All your versions sound fantastic.

  39. Oh! So many options, my head is spinning! I wouldn't know where to start! They all so good! Amazing job!!!

  40. ALL of your batons look wonderful! I want to try some of your flavor combinations, Wow! You had so much fun with this - great post!

  41. I am WOW-ed! You did an incredible job with these! I loved them, but I didn't get creative with them like you... I thought I try them first, and then work on different tops and fillings.

    You did an outstanding job... love it!!!

  42. i'm inspired! such great combos you came up with. my favorite is the pumpkin seed one. thanks!

  43. What a fun and informative post! I love all your photos and the parade of gnome batons you produced with your own homemade puff pastry! Very impressive indeed!

  44. AMAZING! Love all your variations and the homemade puff pastry. Nutella and macadamia :D the ones sprinlked with nori are so pretty!

  45. Yet another reason why you da HOT Sizzle to infinisty!! Those are fanasticoooo. And I LOVE that the hubster's nickname is Foodivo!! XOXO

  46. I clearly can not think and type at the same time. I mean to say, 'You da hot sizzle to infinity'...

  47. Jenny, haha.... infinisty sounds good too. Kind of rhymes with with feisty! You know, your trendy lingo is beyond my era, but I totally got the gist. I think ;-).

  48. I tried making sweet ones with improvised guava 'jam' but probably cut them too thinly and they didn't look 'just right'. They were delicious, though! There's so much inspiration in this post!

  49. They all look amazing...I will have to check out that link, I hate making puff pastry. But then I'm lazy ;)


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