
Friday, December 31, 2010

YBR & My New Year's Gift To You

we desire the way a twice poisoned dog eyes a third piece of meat. Philip Milito

Yes, that Milito dude has it right on the money. When I chanced upon this book, I knew I had to have it. Sure, the minimalistic cover drew me in, yet when I opened it, I wasn't the least bit disappointed. It blew me away to see authentic Southeast-Asian dishes being presented like this:

Banana bud salad with shrimps and spicy coconut milk sauce

And this....
Grilled tiger prawns with vindaloo dip and morukku

Too fancy schmancy? Well, here's the deal... at the end of the day, when you plonk all the ingredients down on a plate any old how, it will still taste the same. A good recipe will always result in a good dish, yes. But there's nothing wrong with having a bit of beauty in your life, and if you can taste with your eyes first before you do it with your tongue, won't it enhance the whole experience somehow? I wonder now if this is the way the male (chef) brain works, visualization and all that....hmmm.

Anyway, this visually stunning book is authored by celebrated travel and culinary enthusiast, Wendy Hutton, with a foreword by famed chef, Nobuyuki Matsuhisa of NOBU. There's a NOBU restaurant in every continent bar one (Africa) and if you haven't experienced dining in one, quick, put it down in your list of To Dos for 2011!

Here's a brief description of the book:
Lush, fresh, and eclectic, the more than 90 recipes in this gorgeous cookbook represent the essence of the culinary tradition of tropical South and Southeast Asia. The recipes were produced in collaboration with the stellar chefs of selected Four Seasons resorts, all of whom are working on the cutting edge of tropical Asian cuisine. From sumptuous dinners to a simple breakfast for two, from barbecues to mouthwatering desserts, these dishes reflect the fascinating blend of people and cultures found in the region and manage at once to preserve and expand upon the distinctive character of indigenous dishes and ingredients.

This is the perfect cookbook for home cooks seeking to explore the unique blend - and spectrum of spices and tastes - that is at the heart of Southeast Asian Cuisine.
I've really enjoyed my journey in this food blogging world and because of that, I want to give something back. So one of you will be lucky enough to own this book! Now, I'm a crappy (or maybe reluctant) SEO-er, so there'll be none of that follow me here, or RT on Twitter or any of that stuff to enter. ALL you have to do is simply leave a comment after this post saying you want to be entered for this giveaway and don't forget to leave your email so I can contact you should you win. Anyone, anywhere can enter... well, anyone except my family members (I know you're all poised to write in, but NO). Winners will be picked via or via this method used by Jenn Yu of Use Real Butter, whichever one's easier or more funky, or both.

The deadline for entries in this giveaway is on 5 January 2011, and the winner will be announced on 7 January. In time for the first weekend of the New Year! Which reminds me, here's a heartwarming toast to welcome the year ahead:

Very lastly, please don't forget to check out what my best recipe for 2010 was over at Spicie Foodie and for this month's YBR round-up by its most talented host, Nancy. Cool badge below with the picture of my dish on it, and Nancy was the one who taught me how to do this!

Have a blessed New Year, everyone! See you in 2011.


  1. Happy New Year, Maya! I'd love to be entered to win that lovely cookbook! I actually have the Nobu cookbook, but have been a bit intimidated to try any of the recipes :) I'll have to eat there at some point and maybe it will inspire me to try some of the recipes myself!

  2. Woohoo, you're in, Victoria! I agree, the Nobu cookbook can be quite intimidating but not the recipes in this book... Perhaps the challenge will be more in looking for the more distinctive Asian ingredients, but hey, if you can locate yourself some purple sweet potatoes, IN NYC, then you can surely find all the other stuff!

  3. Hi
    Happy New Year to you and May 2011 be a year filled with all your heart's desire.

    I would love to be in the giveaway :)

    I have Nobu 1st book too and have not tried any recipes in there! He uses alot of his own signature sauces which you have to buy from his restaurant! Dah!!!

    Thank you again for the giveaway ;) blessings on you.

  4. Hiya Chris, thanks for visiting and leaving your comment. About the Nobu cookbook recipes, it's a hassle to have to buy an ingredient from the restaurant, isn't it? Luckily, this is not another Nobu book I'm giving away...

    Come back again on 7 Jan to see who won the book. It might be you!

  5. Consider me entered! That book looks seriously cool, I love the food presentation. I will be sad for you though if you have to send the book to the States! I have to do that "my best dish" thing next year ... did not have my act together this time. I saw your dish at Nancy's and it's so colorful I could have guessed it was yours even I didn't know!

  6. I did see that amazing pie over there at Nancy's and I knew right away where it came from! Don't feel bad, I didn't even know what SEO stood for till the other day, so I guess I'm not good at it either! I love those photos, so I'd love to be included in your giveaway. Happy New Years!

  7. Trix and Gina, yeaaayyy... I'm glad you're both in this giveaway! Haha, that purple pie really does give me away every time! Oh Trix, don't be sad about this giveaway as I can always get my own copy later... ;-)

  8. Great Giveaway, amazing photos!!! I am wishing you the best 2011!!!

  9. Miss Fabulous Maya- Pick me for the giveaway!! With that book I can cook something for that Balinese boy that I still have a mad crush upon!! Happy New Year to you and yours. XOXO, Jenny

  10. Happy New Year Maya! Thanks for your kind comment on my 1st Blog Anniversary :) That's a gorgeous giveaway. I've seen the book and it truly is a beauty!

  11. Sandra, have a great year ahead to you too!

    Gorgeous Ms. Jenny, I've missed you so! So tell me, is this Balinese boy in San Diego? I can send you over some recipes that will make him homesick or lovesick, or both...haha. Good luck, much love and blessings for the new year!

    Biren, thanks! Hope your 2nd year of blogging will be even better than the first, and I will continue to be a regular visitor!

  12. Happy New Year to you too lovely Maya!!! What an exciting giveaway. I don't know this book at all but it really is very interesting. This would really inspire me even more if I ever win.
    Only someone with such a colorful personality like you can come up with this exiting event! I already feel like a winner having known your blog! Cheers!!!

  13. Awww...Arthur, if only my personality matched your creations! You are one amazing, I mean, AH-MAZING artist, and I'm so very glad you found this blog too... Because then I get to visit yours and witness your artful food! It's a win-win situation, it really is ;-).

  14. What a great giveaway. Count me in!

  15. Wow, it is a gorgeous book! I will never take that sort of time to make my foods so visually appealing, but I can appreciate it when others do. You definitely do a great job of it yourself, with all your gorgeous colours!

  16. Since I'm not an expert in that type of cooking, that I find so exquisite and refined, I would love to enter the giveaway!!
    The best for you in 2011 !!!

  17. Carolyn and Cristina, you both are two of my favorite bloggers so I'm very glad that you're participating in this giveaway! I know that both of you are capable of reproducing, even improvising, the recipes in this book!

  18. There's a NOBU in Melbourne too!!

    And YOU always impress us with your beautiful presentation of the food you prepare.. so this book will just take you to another level, hehe.

    Happy New Year to you and your family and here's to another fantastic year of beautiful food presentations and delightful food stories!

  19. Ah, I'd love to enter, presuming it is open to people in the U.S.? It looks like a beautiful book.
    And happy New Year to you and your family :)

  20. Joyti, yes it's open to anyone on this planet.. Happy to include you in this giveaway. Have a wondrous year ahead to you too!


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