
Thursday, July 22, 2010

Fruit From My Homeland 5 - Tarap (Marang)

Ever seen one of these? It's called anything ranging from Marang/ Johey Oak/ Green Pedalai /Madang/ Tarap/Breadfruit Cousin (Artocarpus odoratissimus), but here in Brunei it's just simply Tarap. It's native to the island of Borneo, which coincidently, is also where I happen to live. Tarap is one of my favourite fruits when it's in season because it's very aromatic (notice a trend here? I'm so into smelly fruits!) and the off-white coloured flesh is so juicy (another trend). For other scientific details about the fruit, read further at Wiki or my other favorite, Foodista.

The broad spines that cover the Tarap 
The fleshy arils. They look a bit like garlic cloves all bunched up together.

This is merely an introductory post to Tarap, for I'm planning to bake something nice with this soon. 

The edible seeds. You either roast or boil them and they taste just like nuts. Yep, we don't waste much over here. We're just a curious bunch of people who want to taste everything that potentially doesn't  kill us... Lol!

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